Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Halloween Mantle + Crafted Haunted House


As promised, I am posting a few neat things my daughters

 have done for Halloween this year.

My eldest's mantle, quite pin-worthy!

                     Here is the same mantle at night in its spooky glory:

Some treats made recently by my younger daughter
 and my grand daughter:

And a haunted house they made that week too:

Sorry pics aren't great -
 was a low light cell phone pic kind of day.

I went there to babysit and had to snap fast,
as there were far more fun things to be doing!

Katie made everything by hand but the wee skeleton erasers
used for the "Jack O' Lanterns" on fence posts.

She is quite talented at clay model making.
One of these days I need to share her doll house and
Barbie houses clay things! 

Spooky bat, cobwebs, dead trees, graves, a spider,
 witch's broom, black cat, pumpkins.....
and a lighted-up ghost can all be found
 at this haunted house!

Everything was made with things they had on hand;
 not a single penny was spent additionally on this craft item!

And the very best part is the happy/pride part.

Think maybe that is the face she's showing?

I believe it to be so.

She sure makes everything more fun.

If you missed my cute post on our family fun Halloween crafting 
please click here.

As always, thank you for your visit!




Monday, October 26, 2020

Halloween Family Crafting!!!!

 Well, time sure flies!

Here we are nearing the end of October!

It's Halloween time once again!

A few weeks ago I had my two daughters

 and my sweet little grand girl for a sleepover!

We had the best time decorating a huge batch of 

sour cream cut out sugar cookies that

I had made and baked ahead of time.

This is just a small sampling - had every tray I owned
all over the counters and table!

Oh, my word, was it ever a fun time! 

These pics don't do the cookies justice at all. 

We had colorful leaves, pumpkins, jack o' lanterns, apples -

 and my eldest even frosted some purple "poison" apples!

My youngest came up with the idea of flipping an apple upside down to

make skeleton heads! My girls are so clever thinking outside the box.

(They truly are real artists.)

Unfortunately none of us thought of taking a pic of us

 decorating these cookies. Boo. 

We had a really nice end-of-season barbeque that ♥ hubs grilled,
and after clean up we painted sugar sculls!

(Excuse rl mess in kitchen with all the dishes and towels drying)

Just look at these beauties!

(The sugar sculls aren't bad either, heh heh.)

Here is Evelyn's (my eldest above right):

Here is Katie's (youngest, on left in group pic):

You may notice that they both painted a gold tooth.

So cute and clever.

Here is mine first draft:

And same one, after adding a few more embellishments.

I sent it to my college niece because she is one of
my very favorite Halloween pals.

 She also loves color and so I painted it with her in mind.

I forgot to take a final pic of it so I asked her to send it to me
so I could share/document.

Last but not least here is little Vivian's!

Hers was different from her momma's and more 
distinctly girlie, having one wearing a pretty tea hat.

She painted one side dark and spooky (not shown)
and the other side added pink. ♥

She has it now hanging on the nob of her wardrobe.

Pink by day, dark and scary by night.
She has such a fun personality.

Next post I will share some really neat Halloween
decorating my daughters have done,
 as I no longer decorate for the holiday.

I will also be hosting a nice give-away very soon.

I pray everyone is staying safe and healthy!

As always, thank you for your visit!




Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Lovely October Birthday Tea

Ah, Autumn, how I love thee!

 This past Saturday we had a perfect autumn day 
 so I headed outdoors for a perfect little tea for one.

I grabbed a few essentials and went out to my garden room
to enjoy a quiet and leisurely tea time.

Sipping and reading and bird watching was the order of the day!

This past weekend was also my birthday, so
I thought I would celebrate in style and use the beautiful
Royal Albert teacup set that my sweet blogging friend
Margie from Tea in the Valley gifted me a few years ago.

I surrounded myself on this quickly put-together tea time 
with gifts from wonderful and caring friends.

First thing I did was to clip a few lovely blossoms from the
 limelight hydrangeas in front of our house.

They are beginning to turn, and are just so Autumn-y!

(Thank YOU, Heavenly Father for the beautiful gift of these flowers!)

I placed them in a Lenox china vessel my women's club friend Melinda
gave me as a hostess gift when visiting a few years ago.

It's the perfect size for hydrangea and peony cuttings.
I placed an antique glass frog that fits perfectly on the bottom
 to keep those floppy blooms in place.

My dear friend Kitty from Kitty's Kozy Kitchen 
made me the beautiful crocheted doily.

The bird-themed napkin is from my tea society friend Karen.
She collects the most gorgeous paper napkins.

Needless to say I spent some time thinking
 about each of these precious ladies,
 and what a true blessing their friendship is to me.

And the REAL star of the tea show:

My neighbor Tiffany and her sweet daughter made us 
a huge box of wonderful Polish pastries called Kolachi.

They were so good, and made a wonderful teatime snack!

The little cake plate came from a great thrift find of my older sister.

A couple of years ago she texted me because she had found
 a set of 8 signed and dated hand gilt-painted beauties
 at a secondhand place near where she lives for a GREAT price,
 and asked if I wanted to buy them?

My answer was an emphatic and resounding "YES, PLEASE!"

They are in perfect condition, and are over 70 years old!

After my tea I walked around the gardens and took this pic-
which is just so perfect for October!

Funny, we never planted these Japanese Lanterns - nature did.

We have had them for about 5 years now.

They are waning, but still so awesome looking.

And on the subject of flowers and such -
 my daughter divided her Purple Aster
 and gave me a beautiful nice sized plant!

October's Party
by G. Cooper

October gave a party
The leaves by hundreds came.
The chestnuts, oaks and maples,
And leaves of every name.
The sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather lead the dancing,
Professor Wind, the band.

As always, thank you for your visit.

Please stay well.




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