Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Traveling Teacup

Oh, how I have looked forward to this new friend's visit!

Welcome Tessa Rose, a lovely teacup
 that has been a very busy traveler!

This pretty teacup belongs to our sweet host
Barbara from the blog Mantle and Table.

If you've never visited her blog
 you are truly missing out.

It is filled with so much beauty!

I am sincerely honored that her lovely teacup visited me.

Tessa Rose is a "morphed" name given to this pretty teacup.
She's been Tessa, and Rosie - so I put the two together.

She has arrived from a wonderful visit with Julie 
at the blog My Wee Abode

Because of her travels TR was a wee bit tired,
 so she politely asked that we simply share a
 pleasant cool respite...
away from crowds and worries-
to just have a quiet and peaceful visit.

So we spent some time in my shady "Zen Room,"
(my DIY backyard-facing covered patio.)

It is my very own special oasis for tea time,
reading, praying and bird watching.

And I LOVE when friends visit here with me!

Even in the unbearable summer heat
I do enjoy my tea hot at tea time. 

Truth be told it wasn't even necessary 
to use my pretty tea cozy though!

(It just wanted to be part of the action.)

Tessa Rose kept me in good company as our tea was steeping 
and I picked some pink hydrangeas from the garden for us.

What a blessing they bloomed just in time for her visit.

She said floral teacups feel right at home near gardens, 
and sitting upon antique white wicker
 feels "just right," to her, too.

I only left a few blooms on the branches.

Next is to fill a vase of daisies!

Prior to Tessa's visit I picked some zukes
 from our vegetable garden and baked some
zucchini bread for our teatime visit.

I have baked a LOT of zucchini bread
 in the last two weeks.

Our garden is yielding 4-5 large zukes
 every other day.

I think I will be baking much more!

(I put my own zucchini bread recipe at end of this post.)

Try it and let me know if you think it is the best, too!

After our teatime and garden visit
she asked to go inside and hear me play piano for her.
I told her my piano was made the same year I was born.
I guess that makes us both very old classics. 

She told me that her owner Barbara
plays and sings quite beautifully. ♫ 

Tessa had a request for me to play "Tea for Two."

As she was my guest, I had to oblige her.

♫ ♪ ♫

We both giggled when I played her "Chopsticks"
on my grand daughter's wee toy piano.

We both agreed it was painfully out of tune!

The day Tessa Rose was here I received some happy mail
from a dear tea society sister-friend from the South;
a beautiful and thoughtfully hand-made card with flowers.

That sweet visiting teacup approved whole-heartedly!
(As did I!)

Isn't getting happy mail so meaningful and special
 during these difficult and lonely times?

As we were on the subject of flowers,
TR mentioned she really admired my most recent painting,
the one with all the colorful flowers.

I told her that I appreciated her flattery,
but I am only a beginner painter and still just learning.

If you have an iPhone and don't have the WATERLOGUE app
you are really missing out.

Look what IT can do:

I showed Tessa Rose my cute little light purple
antique bottle from the Grand Union Tea Company.

It's the perfect size for a single cut Hydrangea bloom.
And the perfect bottle for a teacup to sit near.

I haven't figured out what may have originally been
in the bottle though - possibly a tea elixir of sorts?

Here is a little history about Grand Union.
(credit: Old Main Artifacts)

So as our wonderful day together was coming to an end
we went out back one last time
 to water the hydrangea and daisies-
 so they continue to bless us with beautiful blooms
 a little while longer!

Tessa liked the deep shadow she made
 towards the end of the day
just before the sun went down.

We were relieved once the day ended,
 as it finally cooled off a bit.

I adore you, sweet and beautiful little teacup.
Thank you so much for your visit.

I hope your next trip
 to visit Linda in Gladstone, Oregon
 is a safe one!

Don't forget to visit our host Mantle and Table
to read about all the other visits of this little teacup!

Her blog is chalk full of beauty:
tablescapes, floral arrangements,
tea-scapes, and even has a shop of beautiful items.

Michele's Zucchini Bread
(Makes two large loaves)

3 1/2 cups flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder
4 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
1/8 tsp. clove

3 eggs (room temp performs better)
1 cup vegetable oil
2 1/4 cups sugar
3 tsp. vanilla

1 cup chopped walnuts

4 cups grated zucchini

1.) Mix all dry ingredients in large bowl with a whisk or sifter, set aside.

2.) Grate one clean medium zucchini, skins ON
 to get approx 4 cups of shredded zucchini.

3.) Place on sieve / colander with a fine screen over a bowl
 so it can drip/ drain while you do the next steps.

4.) Prepare your pans - two loaf pans or one loaf pan and
mini loaves or muffins. 

I use Pam spray but oil/butter and a sprinkling of flour
will work just as well.

5.) Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

6.) Mix eggs, oil, sugar and vanilla in a mixer on medium till well incorporated. 

7.) Now mash your zuke gratings into the sieve (or squeeze by handfuls)
till you get most of the water out. Set aside.

8.) Now SLOWLY on lowest speed of mixer - or by hand - add the
flour dry ingredients little by little and gently moisten. Do NOT
over mix!

Once you have it all mixed, hand fold the zucchini and the nuts in.
Mix gently but well. Spoon half mixture into one loaf pan, then the other.

Bake loaves on middle rack - approx. 45-60 mins depending on your oven.

I have found muffins and mini loaves to bake much faster -
so check around 30 minutes.

Done when a toothpick comes out clean.

Thank you for coming to visit, too!





  1. Oh Michele - that is a WONDERFUL post! I'm glad you and little Tessa Rose had such a lovely time! And zucchini bread, no less!! I'm coming to tea at your house of the beautiful flowers! Maybe you'll play me something too and we could sing together! :) Thank you SO MUCH for being such a wonderful teacup host and sharing your day - and your art - with us! ��

  2. What a gorgeous cup, Michele...and I bet it is even prettier in person. Great post. Love zucchini bread and have made a couple loaves this summer so far. Your artwork is wonderful!!! xo Diana

  3. That teacup is gorgeous. Beautiful artwork to admire. Your vignette is lovely with the tray and special teacup. I have always been a coffee drinker, but I admire so many beautiful teacups.

  4. That is really a great idea! A traveling tea cup! I can tell she adored your pink hydrangea, and sitting on that lovely patio. What fun you had together!

  5. Such fun and beauty!Barbara's blog is gorgeous too.Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much Maristella! I'm so happy you stopped by for Michele's beautiful photos and story! ��

  6. It obvious that Tessa Rose and you really enjoyed each other's company. You were a wonderful host and your place beautiful and inviting.

  7. What a fun and delightful visit! Tessa Rose is a beauty and I'm sure she's bring much needed cheer to the homes that she's visiting.

    I'll have to check out Mantle and Table for the other teacup visits.

    1. Hi Margie! I'm so glad you like the traveling teacup! Her visit to Michele was so fun - I wish I could have been there too! ;) I'd be so happy to welcome you to Mantel and Table. I hope you get a chance to stop by and say hello. Take care in the meantime, and thanks for reading!

  8. WHat a darling post, Michele! Tessa Rose surely enjoyed her time in your lovely home with such a sweet hostess. I love zucchini bread and must give your recipe a try. Love your Zen Room!

  9. Oh Michele the tea cup is beautiful. What a beautiful cozy place to sit and watch the world go by and have a nice cup of tea. I am a big fan of zucchini bread so I will try your recipe. Happy New Week. Hugs. Kris

  10. I enjoyed reading of Tessa Rose’s visit to your lovely home. It appears that she enjoyed her time with you and that your day was spent enjoying the simple pleasures. I love zucchini bread and I would love to try your recipe. Happy Wednesday, Michele!

  11. That is a really pretty tea cup! Your painted picture is lovely, you should be proud! The zucchini bread looks delicious! Loved seeing some of your backyard and gardens!

  12. Such a beautiful tea cup! Love it so much! And who doesn't love zucchini bread? YUM! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  13. I soooo enjoyed my visit with you and Tessa Rose, Michele!!! You did such a wonderful painting, my friend! How I wish I could hear you play the piano. Your zucchini bread sounds wonderful. Oh to sit and have a slice with you and a cuppa tea in your zen room, would be fabulous!! ๐Ÿ’•

  14. Michele, I am a new follower and loved this post. Tessa Rose has the most beautiful porcelain complexion and the stories she must be able to tell. I wish her safe journeys as she makes her way around the world. What a lucky girl! I am happy to hear that you are a new painter as I am too. I love your beautiful painting. It looks so professional I would never know that you are new to it. I look forward to reading more of your beautiful blog and hope that you might follow me also..Stay well and take care..xxoJudy P.S. I am going to make the zuchini bread, it looks wonderful..

  15. What a great post, a joy to visit and be charmed by Tessa Rose.

  16. What a lovely visit you had with our teacup, Michele! Thanks for sharing and for the shout out! We'd love to have you come and link-up your posts at Tuesday Turn About, via myweeabode.com! Hope to see you there!

  17. I loved seeing your little teacup's journey, Michele! I also love that you're learning to paint, too! Your painting is beautiful! I started taking a watercolor class, but my plans have been a little disrupted of late. Have a great weekend! -Crissy

  18. Such a lovely and magical afternoon for you and Miss Tessa Rose! I could imagine each moment. Thank you for sharing joy and sunshine with all of us! ๐Ÿ’•

  19. How fun that these sorts of activities are still being done in Blogdom. I once had a Princess come to visit and then sent her merrily on to her next stop where she died, I suppose, for nothing further became of her. It was profoundly disappointing so if beautiful Tessa Rose is still traveling that is a wonderful thing and a fine link between blogging friends.

    You certainly made her visit a most lovely one for all of us. Wish I had a piece of that zucchini bread right now.

  20. So lovely! And I'm going to have to try your zucchini bread recipe. It's a summer favorite at our house!
    Much love ~ Vanessa

  21. Oh I haven't had a good piece of zucchini bread in so long! This delightful post really cheered my heart. I'm off to get a cup of tea.


Thank you, friend, for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one of them. Your thoughts are appreciated!