Hello all you wonderful peeps!
I hope you are enjoying autumn and its perfect weather.
Don't you just hate having to come inside at all
when it is so pretty like this?!
(Especially knowing what's in store in a few months.)
I do love winter but they're saying
it's going to be even worse than it was last year.
So I am enjoying this fall like there's no tomorrow!
I haven't purchased a single new thing for this season.
I've been purging a lot lately and it feels just great.
It's a weird feeling of freedom.
It's a weird feeling of freedom.
It has taken me a lot of discipline not to go running in hysterics
to all my favorite stores and not spend every dime I have.
Yes, feeling pretty good about my resolve this year!
This (below) is my very favorite antique basket I have.
I absolutely love it and have had it for years and years.
(Awesome baskets never EVER go out of style!)
Neither does FRUIT, haha.
Michele's Hint of the Week:
Peel a grocer's sticker off real fruit and stick it on faux fruit.
Makes it look more real, doesn't it?
We interrupt this pretty eye candle to share
an ugly little true story to share with y'all....
When I brought my fake fruit out of my bin this year -
which I bag up so it doesn't get dusty.....I opened the bag and
in horror discovered a very dried up piece of REAL fruit there too.
Yes, now I kinda remember putting
a lone pear on top of the faux late in the season.
It now resembled a zombie head.
It was dry and furry and way icky and I cannot believe I did that.
Thank goodness we didn't get bugs or something worse!
(Ask Orkin, I refuse to let a bug enter my domain!)
So, for a germaphobic clean freak such as me, imagine my surprise!
Half the faux fruit went straight outside to the garbage bin.
The rest that was ok was scrubbed with Lysol w/ Hydrogen-Peroxide.
(Which, incidentally is the best cleaning product EVER.)
So, with that I wish you a wonderful weekend
doing what you love
and spending it with whom you love.
As always, thank you for your visit!