Monday, July 2, 2012

Power Out - reading in shadow

WOW did we get hit with a really nasty storm - one of the worst I have ever seen! We had 83 mile-an-hour winds and it wreaked havoc all over - trees down, power out, roads closed.....fortunately we lost no trees or big limbs, but we lost several potted plants.

This storm even UPROOTED some of our recently planted plants - tore them right out of the garden!!!!

So, it's been super hot (high 90s) very humid and we had no power for two whole days.  What's a blogger gal to do with all this time in the dark,  you ask?

Yes. Keep very still (to keep cool) and read with a flashlight! (DH took this photo and I didn't even know it till afterwards!) I guess when I am reading the world could collide with the moon and I probably wouldn't notice. Haha.

Yes, that's our trusty kitty cat Romeo keeping me company (and adding all sorts of extra heat- thanks, you furry beast) lounging away on my tummy. I like to think it is devotion, but most likely it is because my tummy is extra soft and super comfy. Sigh.

It was challenging to hold the book up like that but I was enjoying that cat and couldn't exactly put the book on my tummy or on his back, so out of love I held it and kept switching arms when they would tire.

The book I am reading is fantastic!!!! It is called THE FORGOTTEN GARDEN by Kate Morton. It's one of the best contemporary books I have read in a very long time. It's flavored a little bit with Jane Austen's type worries, a reminder of Titanic, and more than just a hint of the Secret Garden. It's definately a page-turning mystery all rolled into one wonderful book.

As inconvenient and uncomfortable it was losing our electricity, it ended up quite nice being "unplugged" for a few days. I realized during the outtage just how much time I spend with working, playing and blogging on the computer - WAY too much!

 It's been entirely too long since I have read simply for pleasure. I was long overdue - and it took that act of God to remind me.

So, yes, I have a lot of catching up to do in Blogville and for work- and I shall - but for now I am just enjoying being safe and "air conditioned" again!

I am truly sorry for anyone who experienced serious loss in this storm as it ripped through the States. I am praying for you all.


Shadow Shot Sunday


  1. Terrible weather DTE is in several U.S. states. I have more moderate rain and thunderstorms. I loved Kate Morton's The Forgotten Garden. I have read more of her, although they are good. She's so good personal and environmental stories. In addition, always with an unexpected twist at the end. I wish you a great week! Zinnia

  2. Sorry to hear about the bad weather in the U.S. It looks like you took the power outage in good stride. It is nice to have a computer break once in awhile isn't it.
    Hope the weather improves now.
    Take care,

  3. Hi Michele,

    I'm so sorry about your storm damage and power outage! I worry about that here, as well. I think everyone is dealing with such extreme weather in the form of heat, and/or storms, right now. I'm glad you're all okay -- such a cute picture of you and Romeo kitty. :) Thanks for the book tip! I've been wanting something new to read. Take care and stay safe!



  4. We were at a wake in Kentucky when that storm hit, Michele. I was almost afraid to see what we were going to come home to! I think that because our community is not too old and the trees not too big, we got lucky. Lucky again in that there were sporadic outages {the oven and microwave clock were flashing when we came in; and the ceiling fan went off during the night} but no full loss of power. I'm sure this crazy heat is to blame and it's going to be 95 today! Thanks for the recommendation on the book. It sounds like it is just my cup of tea! I'm going to write that title and author down as I'm due to go to the library again this week, so I'll look for it.

  5. What a creative shot!! Love the cat in it, too. :)

  6. I heard all about the power outages and storms from my Mom and sister. What crazy weather!! My mom's birthday was Saturday and my sister put the angel food cake in the oven and five minutes later the power went out.
    I have The Forgotten Garden on a list to read. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it, even with a flashlight!!

  7. Hi Michele
    I'm thinking the extreme heat may cause more storms, possibly here as well. Too bad about your plants and losing power for 2 days. Hopefully you didn't have food spoilage. Reading with your cat looks cute.
    Since I work from my computer writing, add on the time for blogging and I'm also spending way too much time on my computer.

  8. I'm glad to hear that you are safe & made it through without any major damage. Going without power must have been awful, but thankfully it's been restored and you seemed to have made the best of it anyway. Stay cool!

  9. Glad your ok...and lost nothing more than some plants! We are still in this high high heat wave...and nary a rain drop in site! Everyone's grass around here is brown!
    I haven't read in years...and use to all of the time! I, like you, have been spending WAY to much time on the computer...but I am hopelessly addicted to it...if I loss power for a couple of days...???...I don't even want to go there! I'd probably be curled up in the fetal position somewhere! lol!
    Take care

    1. I am just glad we have piped in gas lined barbeque with burners on the side.....I could boil water for tea and coffee - I use French presses, that could have been definately "fetal position" for me not having my morning coffee and afternoon tea! Power outtage I can handle - no caffeine? Not as easily! LOL!

      I even had a little tea party for myself, haha, we had lemon cake and I made tea - but iced it, as, well, we all know how hot it is right now.I did put the iced tea in a teapot though, doesn't seem like a tea party without one.

  10. You are a dedicated reader. A little old power outage isn't going to stop you!

    San Miguel Shadows

  11. I am so glad everything is back to normal.....and yes....tons of prayers for those affected by the storms. It is such a challenging time.


  12. Hi Michele, sometimes we forgot to take in the small things in life. Losing power is not fun, however it does give us a chance to enjoy simple pleasure, such as reading a good book. Have a wonderful 4th. Blessings, Linda

  13. Sorry about the storm and losing some plants and electricity. This is a great picture. I can tell you are enthralled in your book!! Must be a great read!! I think having the electricity go out would be a good push for me to put down the electronics!

  14. Hi Michele: I am so sorry about the horrible weather you have been having. I have watched it on the news for days. I just pray God's Mercy on the land. Thank you so much for your kind words. When I read your comments, it makes me feel like we could be the best of friends. I just want you to come by for a visit. I do hope if you are ever in Los Angeles, you will give me a call. I would love to meet you. I live in La Crescenta, which is not very far from Pasadena. Thank you for your sweet spirit and always encouraging me. I hope you have a wonderful 4th with lights! Blessings, Martha

  15. Michelle, firstly thankyou so much for that absolutely beautiful birthday greeting. I was very touched xo
    Secondly I am so happy that you are all safe and sound. I have been following the storms in the States and in England where many of my bloggy friends live. I have been thinking of you all and hoping that the angels above had you well protected.
    We have had crazy storms over here in Oz for last last few years. A few years ago our town flooded and a massive big ship beached itself onto one of our local beaches. It was crazy ! Mother Nature seems to be making us all stand back and reminding us just who is the boss.
    Take care lovely lady x

  16. I'm glad you came through trouble okay. So much turmoil these days. I just love this photo of you. Such kitty love! I always feel the pull of good literature in summer. I've been keeping a lighter blogging schedule this summer too. It feels very natural. Happy 4th of July!

  17. Glad you are safe, love the picture with you and your cat. Sometimes we just have to go to extremes to finish a great book. You are right, we spend way too much time on our computers, I know I certainly spend so much time on mine. Enjoy.


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