Monday, January 9, 2012

Snow: living with and without it...

We are having an unseasonally warm winter so far, especially compared to the last few years here. We had a few days of great snowfall - showing delightful promise - then were hit with a truly warm streak and it all melted away. It has been in the 50s here, sunny, bright, blue and gorgeous. I didn't even wear a coat January?!!!? That is shocking and unbelievable. (For those who truly understand this, I salute you!)

Anyway, I dug up a couple of old pics of our first snow in all its splendor from last year to share ........unfortunately I forgot to take pics of this year's first snow (something I usually remember to do because I just love the beauty of the very first snow fall.)

You know, I wonder......when the snow does really hit us how much time will pass before I am bellyaching about spring'slate arrival? Ok, I admit it: perhaps I *am* a tad bit too hard to please, haha. But there is something to say about too much of any good thing quickly becoming a bad thing. That certainly includes the cold, wet, grey winter snow!

I really do love the  winter season with lots of powdery awesome snow to play in, for walks in, and for the sheet joy of making snow angels.

So when is the last time you made snow a angel?

Heading on over to join Debbie's newbie bloggers party!


  1. I live in Curacao but am visiting family in Maine right now. I am freezing but all anyone says is how unseasonably warm it is. :)
    A few blogger friends and I have collectively introduced a fun challenge for January. It would be so awesome if you want to participate!
    Karah @ thespacebetweenblog

  2. Thanks for the sweet comments on my blog! I, too, love snow (although we haven't had very much this year)! Your blog is truly beautiful!


  3. Hi Michelle! I'm not going away, and Tuesday Cuppa Tea isn' either, but 2 of the other Tuesday tea related blogs are. So not to worry. Love your winter photos and I especially love your bird banner. So cute!

  4. We haven't had snow here in Oregon yet--still hoping we will get a little! Your photos are beautiful.

  5. I understand! I live in southeastern Michigan and we've had a couple dustings of snow but nothing else and I kind of miss it! (not driving in it though, lol)Love the pics, Found your blog from Debbie Doos newbie party.


Thank you, friend, for taking the time to comment! I read each and every one of them. Your thoughts are appreciated!